Friday 26 February 2021

Book Blogger Hop


This is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer! Hop over to their page to grab a button and join in the fun!

This week's question:

Do you use Goodreads to keep track of your books?

Yes I do! When I re-started this blog a few months ago I went and cleared out my Goodreads entirely (I instantly regretted doing that...) so now I've started fresh with books as I read them, and books I want to read. I love having everything organized so Goodreads is fantastic for me!


  1. I use Goodreads to track the books I have read. I started out on LibraryThing though and still prefer that site for cataloging my books. The two sites have their pros and cons. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, I just made an account on LibraryThing thanks to you!! I'm exited to finally catalogue the books I own!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I feel ill at the very thought of wiping what I have on Goodreads!
    I must be driving my GR friends mad because I'm trying to gradually add all the free books I've picked up - and there are maybe a thousand of those! It's definitely my favourite place to record what I've read, want to read, own etc.

    1. Yep... definitely not one of my brightest moments :( I don't know what got into me!!!

  3. Oh my goodness I would never think about clearing out all my books on Goodreads. I don't even have them all on there but a good amount. I hope you get it built back up. Have a great week!

    1. I know I don't know what I was thinking!! I was in a "let's clean and purge everything" kinda mood... and now I regret it so much it's going to take forever to get it back up!

  4. I haven't ever organized my shelves on Goodreads... way too intimidating! I'm sure your shelves will start to fill up again in no time!
