Friday 29 October 2021

Book Blogger Hop


This is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer! Hop over to their page to grab a button and join in the fun!

This Week's Question:

Have you ever read a book on Halloween? If so, what was the title? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

Oh probably! I read something almost every day so I'm certain that Halloween is no different! As for specific titles, I've got no idea lol! I don't read anything particular on Halloween, just whatever book I'm in the middle of at the time! 


  1. I was confused to if the prompt meant reading ON Halloween - erm hello, we're all bookworms so most of us read every day, lol. Then I thought it might be reading a Halloween themed book.

    1. Ahhh.. that makes more sense lol! I didn't even think of that, I was just like of course I've read on Halloween!

  2. I answered it both ways - giving halloween recs and also checking (after I saw Jessica do it) goodreads to see what I read last year... turns out it was two books in a series :)

    1. Oh that's a great idea, I didn't even think to check Goodreads!
