Friday 8 October 2021

Book Blogger Hop


This is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer! Hop over to their page to grab a button and join in the fun!

This Week's Question:

What spooky creature and/or setting do you never get tired of reading about? (submitted by Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books)

Well first off, I avoid anything horror like the plague lol. Seriously, I am the biggest wimp you will ever meet. So spooky books? Not my thing. At all. Though I do read an occasional mystery/thriller (VERY rarely) and even then I have to read a romance or something right after haha! In terms of spooky creatures... I mean I absolutely adore the supernatural - vampires, werewolves, witches/wizards, etc. and I can read about them all day long - just not in a horror book. Think... Twilight... lol. 


  1. I'm the same. I wouldn't call the witches and demons I read about "spooky", otherwise I definitely wouldn't be reading the book!

  2. I'm the same! I love paranormal romance, urban fantasy and the like but not horror. My spooky creatures are Witches, Vamps and Werewolves... I'd love a good ghosty romance but haven't really found any yet. :)
