Friday 28 May 2021

Book Blogger Hop


This is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer! Hop over to their page to grab a button and join in the fun!

This Week's Question:

Who is your favorite character... of all the books you've read? (submitted by Julie @ JadeSky)

Omigosh what a question lol! I don't really know if I have an all-time favourite character to be honest... but for the sake of this post, I'll name some of the ones that first come to mind!

1. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter - need I say more lol?
2. Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries - dark, sexy, brooding... puts up a tough front but has a vulnerable side.. sigh. Everything I ask for in a male lead lol
3. Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy - she's pretty badass
4. Ash Redfern from Night World - ugh. I just love him.
5. Jace Herondale from City of Bones - arrogant yet not, hot, has tattoos.. just yum.

Ok I should stop here lol... the more I wrote down the more that kept popping into my head lol! 



  1. OMG! You just added more to my ever growing list ❤️ I hadn’t even gone in a YA direction yet. Great post!

  2. I love the people you chose, but I would have needed even more on my list. I just couldn't do it!

  3. Damon, Rose and Jace, yes! Those are some of my favorites characters and book series too!
