Friday 7 May 2021

Book Blogger Hop


This is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer! Hop over to their page to grab a button and join in the fun!

This Week's Question:

Do you collect bookmarks? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

I mean, when I get a bookmark from somewhere I keep it. And I have picked up quite a few over the years but I wouldn't say I have gone out of my way to collect them. That being said, I have seen so many amazing bookmarks throughout the blogosphere and bookstagram that I think I would like to start getting more into the practice!


  1. The problem with a collection is that you need somewhere nice to display it, or at least store them and I'm just not that organised of a person!

  2. I was the same way. I just kinda picked up several throughout the years. I only recently started actively collecting them. And you may not be missing out because it's addicting :)

  3. There are some really great ones but I don't need anymore. Have a great week!
