Friday 25 June 2021

Book Blogger Hop


This is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer! Hop over to their page to grab a button and join in the fun!

This Week's Question:

How long have you stayed up to read a book? (submitted by Julie @ Jade Sky)

I have actually stayed up all night before... like literally all night and then got up and went to school lol! It was in high school and I was reading the Fifty Shades books secretly because my mom wouldn't let me (for good reason but I was being "rebellious") and I read the entire trilogy that night, didn't sleep at all. While I do still stay up late to read a book occasionally, I've gotten old and need my sleep lol so usually not later than 1 in the morning and even that makes me cringe. Sigh. Wonder what I'll be like when I'm in my 60's if I'm like this in my 20's haha! 

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