Friday, 5 January 2018

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello all!

My name is Penelope, and I'm here to introduce you to my blog!

While I initially created this blog back in 2012, I wasn't able to keep up with it unfortunately. However, I'm happy to say that I am ready to take it back on! I've decided to completely clear it out and start fresh, with more mature reviews that will be better written and much more indicative of a book's true worth (in my opinion anyway lol).

While this may change, I plan on posting at least one book review per week while I am in university (although during exam times that might stretch to one every 2 weeks) and hopefully 2-3 per week during the summer. My reviews will mainly be young adult, adult fiction, romance, and fantasy. There may be some other genres thrown in occasionally but I am still a hardcore YA fan and probably always will be.

A bit about me... I have loved reading ever since I was a baby (seriously... my first present EVER was given to me on the date of my birth IN THE HOSPITAL and it was... you guessed it... a book! Seems the family knew my nerd tendencies even then.. lol). And I have read ever since... to an extreme though... I'm talking my mom and dad grounded me from going to the library at one point kind of extreme... yea. Good times.

So my goal with this whole adventure is really to just share my intense love of words on paper with everyone who cares to read it. I hope you enjoy!


  1. this is going to be such a fun journey!!! I've been blogging for a while and made connections thanks to book blogging, but I've yet since been disconnected to book bloggers for many years even though I still blogged. Now I'm excited to get back and connect again :)

    1. I'm glad you're getting back into it!! It seems super exciting, and a good niche to be in! I'm looking forward to seeing what's out there! :)
